PO Box 4017, Edmonton, AB

(780) 903-9736

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Contact: info@concussioncarestudio.com, concussioncarestudio@gmail.com or (780) 903-9736 to schedule a One on One Concussion Support Session. Limited spots are available. You can begin by signing up for the 3 M-Care Program right now. There is a sign up link below. 




All appointments will be scheduled in advance and completed via zoom or phone. All appointments are designed to be convenient, comfortable and confidential. The goal of each session is support only, CCSTUDIO does not provide diagnostics or referrals. Thank you. 


Email : concussioncarestudio@gmail.com for information



Going Beyond The Diagnosis

Book A One on One Support Session Today






 Acute Concussion Recovery  

The 3 M-CARE PROGRAM is a 3 month subscription primarily designed for acute concussion recovery. Because the 3 M-Care Program tracks symptoms for 3 month sessions at a time, the program can benefit anyone at any stage of recovery.

So often, a second concussion happens within the first three months of the initial concussion. In my personal opinion, rather than force any exercise or early return, exercise extreme caution. Following three months of symptom tracking, a pattern or trajectory of symptoms will emerge. Knowing that you have tracked symptoms to completion, you will feel far more positive about returning to activities that include contact or full exertion.




Preventative Post Concussion Recovery

Managing post concussion syndrome is far more complex. So often individuals are given a narrow, conventional definition of what exactly a concussion really is, accompanied by a quick diagnosis and expectation for a quick recovery. That scenario doesn’t often present an accurate representation of what the recovery process entails.

I constructed and designed the 8 PROTOTYPES of Concussion Awareness and the PYRAMID OF HOPE for preventative post concussion recovery. Post Concussion Syndrome is a lengthy and exhausting process and set backs feel devastating. I have created a template for understanding how this injury impacts your life and can help you with one on one sessions. 

Acute Concussion Recovery

Concussion Care Studio Guidelines

Acute Concussion Recovery




Whenever it is suspected that someone has suffered a concussion, REMOVE that person immediately to a safe and quiet environment. Never encourage someone to push through symptoms or complete an activity. 


RECOGNIZE the symptoms that are associated with a concussion. Monitor the symptoms as they progress and RECOGNIZE threshold levels during recovery. Symptoms reported include: headache, dizziness, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, motion sickness. Symptoms observed include: blank stare, glazed eyes, irritability, confusion, slurred speech.  


Acute concussion RECOVERY requires patience and management. Never risk a second impact concussion. Every symptom matters and every concussion needs to be monitored. Begin tracking symptoms by signing up for the 3 M-Care Program at any stage of RECOVERY. It is never too late to care about your RECOVERY. 

Every Concussion Is Unique

Begin tracking symptoms at any stage of recovery!!!

Does This Relate

“I don’t understand how I am feeling”

In my personal experience, this statements sums up the first two years of my experience with post concussion syndrome. For this reason, I developed the 8 prototypes for preventative post concussion recovery and 3 M-Care Program for symptom tracking. I can help you understand the experience of post concussion syndrome. Book a one on one session today.

Does This Relate

“Nobody seems to understand”

What I experienced during my recovery is that no one understands unless they have been there themselves. Concussions are complicated and traumatic. I created the Pyramid of Hope and 8 Prototypes of Concussion Awareness and Management for anyone who feels that no one understands the recovery process. Book a one on one session if you are struggling to find someone who understands.

Does This Relate

“I Am Not Able To Do That”

On so many occasions, I have noticed that people with concussions are given recommendations for activities that they are not able to do. If you have never lifted dumbbells before, you would think at first glance, they look relatively similar in size and shape. Not at all. The visual appearance is misleading. Everyone has a threshold level where a weight becomes too heavy to lift regardless of will or effort. Same applies for post concussion management. Recommendations need to be realistic for the person who is suffering from post concussion syndrome. Reach out for one on one support.

Preventative Post Concusison Recovery

Contact CCSTUDIO for a ONE on ONE session!!!

Preventative Post Concussion Recovery








Concussions are extremely difficult to manage and over thinking the recovery process adds additional stress and fatigue. Concussion Care Studio recccomends creating and committing to specific activities to complete on a REST DAY. Rest days will occur more frequently in the early stages of recovery. Never feel shame for taking rest days because rest is an integral part of restorative healing, especially after sustaining a significant trauma. Concussion Care Studio can help you structure activities for managing rest days. 



 As concussion thresholds increase and symptom thresholds decrease, MAINTENANCE DAYS will begin to overlap with rest days. Maintenance days need to be consistent and structured with time intervals in order to monitor recovery trajectories. 



PROGRESSION DAYS need to be celebrated. Post Concussion Recovery is not linear so progression days can feel difficult to achieve and then then disappear as quickly as they arrived. Progress and not perfection is the mantra! Progression days are structured around partial or full recovery. The goal will always be to create a constant continuum of growth towards an unlimited potential for recovery. Developing and understanding rest, maintenance and progression days is an essential CCSTUDIO tool for recovery.

Your Brain Is Your Life

3 Months of Symptom Tracking Included - Sign Up Today

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